In the pursuit of inclusion and respect for all individuals, inclusive language emerges as a powerful tool to promote diversity and equity in our society. From a holistic and shamanic perspective, we can understand inclusive language as a manifestation of the connection between all beings and the acceptance of diversity as an integral part of the fabric of the universe.
In shamanic cosmology, it is recognized that the universe is composed of multiple interconnected dimensions and realities. Each human being is a reflection of this complex network of energy and consciousness, and inclusive language invites us to recognize and honor that diversity in all its manifestations. By using language that respects and acknowledges the variety of human identities and experiences, we are opening doors to a deeper understanding of our place in the cosmos.
The idea of a multidimensional universe is reflected in how inclusive language allows us to transcend the limitations of dichotomy and embrace the complexity of human experience. By using neutral and non-binary terms, we are challenging the thought patterns that have perpetuated exclusion and discrimination. Instead, we are creating a space where every individual can feel valued and respected in their uniqueness.
Inclusive language invites us to look beyond superficial appearances and recognize the shared humanity that binds all people together. In doing so, we are strengthening the bonds of community and solidarity that allow us to coexist in harmony with the world around us. Ultimately, inclusive language is not only a linguistic tool but also a reminder of our ability to create a fairer, more equitable, and compassionate world for all forms of life in the universe.
I understand perfectly well that this new way of using the Spanish language may be complex and even rejected by the entrenched thought system in society. For me, it is not easy either to learn to speak the same language again that I have used since birth. However, this change, like so many others, challenges us and offers us a new opportunity for growth and transformation.
It doesn’t matter if it feels natural or not to refer to a «maestre» instead of calling them «maestra» or «maestro.» Nor does it matter if the new forms are intermingled with the old ones during a conversation. What really matters is that we are making conscious a reality much broader than what we knew up to this point. This new way of looking at the world not only opens our eyes to the truth but also the third eye to perceive the invisible world and other dimensions beyond everyday three-dimensional reality. And even more significantly, it opens our hearts.
My soul greets your soul.