What is marma treatment? Marma are the vital areas of the body. The word Marma comes from Sanskrit origin word ‘mri’ meaning death. The Sanskrit phrase, ‘Marayate Iti Marmani’, also means death or serious damage to body or health after infliction to the point of their situation . Hence these areas are called Marma.
Common ailments like headache, bodyache, faulty spinal alignment, pain in the joints can be rejuvenated through Marma Chikitsa, which involves Swedana, Abhayanga, Pizhichil, and Kizhi (bolus) treatment.
Considered as 107 Marma points in body. Major marma points correspond to seven Chakras, or energy centers of the body, while minor points radiate out along the trunk and limbs. The points cover both the front and back of the body, including 22 on the lower extremities, 22 on the arms, 12 on the chest and stomach, 14 on the back, and 37 on the head and neck. (The mind is considered the 108th Marma.)
To name a few diseases in which Marma chikitsa is highly appreciated in giving cure are :
Sciatic pain
Diabetic neuropathy
Muscular twitching & cramps
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Facial or Bell’s palsy
Urinary incontinence
Lumbar Spondilitis
Lumbar Spondilolisthesis (Disc bulge or prolapse)
Cervical Spondilitis
Cervical Spondilolisthesis (Disc bulge or prolapse)
Frozen shoulder (periarthritis)
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Muscular and joint pain
Frozen joints
Muscular strain
Respiratory conditions
Digestion and elimination problems.
Marma treatment is an important aspect of Ayurvedic treatment where the application of pressure on these Marma points induces the flow of vital energy (prana) along a complex system of subtle channels called nadis.
Marma Chikitsa is basically a neuromuscular and orthopaedic science. Oil therapy or Snehana is an important part of Marma treatment. Warm, medicated oils are applied in large amount all over the body, the medicated oils are used on specific body sites such as on Chakras and Marma points or at specific affected spots .
Marma treatment and the consultation should be performed by a qualified ayurvedic physician called as Gurukkal