Ayurveda is one of the most complete ancient science that exists. It is a health system based on consciousness, focused not only on treatment but also on prevention. In Ayurveda there are 3 types of energies or doshas – Vata, Pitta & Kapha. Health is the state of balance between these three fundamental energies of the organism and the balance, equally vital, of the body, mind and soul or consciousness. In Ayurveda, anxiety and stress fundamentally to the aggravation of Vata in the nervous system.
Anxiety is a psychological state characterized by cognitive, somatic,emotional and behavioural components. Anxiety is often accompanied by physical sensations such as palpitations, nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath, diarrhaea, chills, dryness of mouth, abdominal pain and headache. Somatic signs of anxiety may include pale skin,sweating, trembling and pupillary dilatation.
Normal causas for anxiety:
The following factors are believed to play an important role in the occurrence of this disease.
- Genetics and hereditary: Anxiety neurosis tends to run in families.
- Hormonal/ biochemical imbalance: Imbalance of serotonin and dopamine.
- Personality type: Certain types of personalities are more prone to anxiety
development e.g. people who have low self esteem and poor coping skills. - Social factors: Those who are exposed to abuse, violence and poverty are more prone to this type of disorders.
- Medical causes: Endocrine and cardio pulmonary disorders
- Drugs and other substances: amphetamine, transquillsers, steroids etc.
Recommendations for relief of anxiety in Ayurveda:
- A diet that favors Vata dosha balance, where warm, moist, slightly oily and heavy foods such as soups, stews, hot cereals, dairy products, and pasta predominate. Avoid rajasic foods like: alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, sugar. You can also incorporate spices such as anise, ginger, cinnamon, cumin, licorice, and nutmeg.
- Yoga: Yoga is an 8-step system designed to calm the mind, free us from suffering and direct us towards self-realization of the Self (our goal in life). Try to see life with a yogic vision, this means in unity with everything around you without judging or expecting anything in return.
- Contact with nature: Take walks in the fresh air. Swim in the sea or in a lake.
- Listen to mantras, because they have the power to transform your mind and bring it to levels of greater harmony than it was before listening to them.
- Take a massage session with sesame or sesame oil, or do a self-massage.
- Aromatherapy: Certain fragrances or essential oils have a calming effect on vata.
- Pranayama: It is the control of the expansion of vital energy, it is a very useful Ayurveda tool to combat anxiety.
The treatments available in AM Ayurveda Barcelona are:
i. Abhyanga (body Massage)
ii. Snehapana (Internal oleation) – for 3 – 7 days
iii. Shiroabhyanga (head massage) with medicated liquids / oils
iv. Shiro vasti with medicated oils daily 45 minutes for 7 days
v. Shirodhara with medicated liquid (milk, butter milk, water or oils daily 45-90 minutes for 7 days. Duration of the process depends upon nature of the illness and physical condition of the patient.
vi. Pichu with medicated oil
vii. Takra dhara daily 45 minutes for 14 days
viii. Nasya karma (Nasal administration of medicaments) for 7 days
ix. Shirolepa
x. Yogic practices, Pranayama, Meditation etc.