![Ayurveda alternative therapy in Barcelona](https://www.erescambio.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/download-18.jpg)
Ayurveda is one of the alternative therapy in Barcelona. Ayurveda is a natural form of therapy that is over five thousand years old. The origin of Ayurveda is from the Vedic culture of India. Ayurveda is considered as one of the systems of medicine developed in ancient times and is widely used all over the world. The word Ayurveda is composed by two words: Ayur, which means life, and Veda, which means science or knowledge. So Ayurveda can be meant as “science of life”.
Many people thought that Ayurveda is only an alternative therapy, Ayurveda actually aim to educate the persons to about their bodies and how to remain the equilibrium of the body. Also providing guidelins of the proper diet and a stucture of routines and behavior. According to Ayurveda, health is the balanced and dynamic integration between the environment, spirit, mind and body.
Ayurveda believes in the existence of three elemental substances, the doshas called Vata, Pitta and Kapha. This is states that a balance of the doshas results in health, while imbalance results in disease. Such disease-inducing imbalances can be adjusted and balanced using traditional herbs, minerals and heavy metals. Ayurveda stresses the use of plant-based medicines and treatments, with some animal products, and added minerals. Ayurveda treats the disease directly from the point of origin, rather than symptoms, and helps an individual take responsibility for their own health and well-being. The objective of Ayurveda is to protect health of the body and to alleviate disorders in the diseased.
8 types of alternative therapy in Ayurveda:
Ayurveda, the alternative therapy has eight divisions such as
- Kayacikitsa (Medicine).
- Salakya (dealing with disease of supra-clavicular region- ENT. & Optha.).
- Salyapahartrka (dealing with extraction of foreign bodies- Surgery) .
- Visa- gara–vairodhika-prasaman (dealing with alleviation of poison, artificial poison and toxic symptoms due to in take of antagonistic substance – Toxicology ).
- Bhuta Vidhya (dealing with spririt or organisms- Psychiatry Medicine ).
- Kaumarabhrtya (Pediatrics ).
- Rasayana (dealing with promotive measures – Rejuvenates )
- Vajikarana ( dealing with aphrodisiacs-Aphrodisiac
Ayurveda has different types of alternative therapis such as Siddha, and Kalari Marma Chikilsa. AM Ayurveda Barcelona ofrece better Ayurveda alternative therapy in Barcelona. Also the benefits of Siddha and Kalari marma Chikilsa.