We are at the beginning of the Era of Acuarius, it’s a moment of big changes and transformation. Life invites you to a journey of transformation, to let go the old version of you, thats is living with fears, regrets, anger, guilt, dependency and attachments,and start a new version of you connected with the heart, with joy, confidence, playfulness…
During this 5 days we will understand that all suffering comes from not accepting, and we don’t accept something, because we don’t unerstand the deep purpose of love and evolution behind everything we experience.
Are you ready to start this inner journey of transformation?
It’s also possible to have a private retreat.
We are creating everything we experience in the outside. Yes, read it again and breath.
It’s time to reconnect with your power, taking the responsability for everything you experience and learning how to respond to daily situations, and challenges in a more heart driven way.
If you change, everything changes. It’s time to start accepting that everything comes for a purpose, and seeing what your soul wants you to learn, what do you need to let go to be yourself?
Sometimes we bring situations to our lives that makes us blame others, complain, judge ourselves, what if we are experiencing all this to stop criticising ourselves, and learn to accept and love ourselves with our «mistakes» or things that we reject? What if you stop avoiding and hiding your inner child? what if you open your heart to the fear of being abandoned or rejected?
This retreat is for you if you feel that is time to change, time to love yourself, time to live more connected with your heart and your essence and your inner child.
For this unique journey we will give you a combination of theory and practice so that you can go deeper and liberate yourself from the blockages, emotions and attachments that are not letting your heart to blossom.
Another special thing about this retreat is the location, as Tenerife is connected with the heart chakra, and is the perfect island to help you connect with selflove and heal your inner child.
And we will have a sacred space only for us, with more than 25.000 m2, surrounded by nature and art.